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Pessary Fitting

Our physiotherapists can measure and fit pessaries, a safe and effective non-surgical option for managing stress urinary incontinence and most types of pelvic organ prolapse.

At The Pelvic Health Clinic, one-on-one compassionate and inclusive care is the standard. We are a body-positive clinic and believe that every body is deserving of care and clinical expertise. Movement and rehabilitation are for everyone!

Pelvic health physiotherapy can address many common concerns related to pelvic organ prolapse, including the measurement, fitting and provision of vaginal pessaries.

Pelvic health physiotherapy, also known as pelvic floor physiotherapy, is a specialized area of physiotherapy that focuses on the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of conditions related to the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding structures.

Pelvic health physiotherapists have advanced post-graduate training, and the fitting of pessaries and subsequent teaching of proper use of them is within our scope of practice in Nova Scotia. As such, we are able to measure and fit the various styles of pessaries as well as teach our clients proper insertion and removal techniques, and provide education on proper usage, cleaning and maintenance.

Vaginal pessaries are a very effective tool in the management of urinary incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse and we are able to provide them in a timely, comprehensive and patient-centered fashion.

How can I book an appointment for a pessary fitting?

Just call our clinic and our front desk staff will assist you. On your first visit, your physiotherapist will assess your pelvic floor and discuss treatment options. You will be provided with a letter for your GP/NP to sign, providing consent for you to receive a pessary. Measurements will be taken, usually in a subsequent appointment, and your physiotherapist will then trial the appropriate shaped pessary for you in various sizes until a great fit is found. It’s a bit like trying on a few bras before finding the perfect fit!

It can take some trial and error, but the results are worth it once you have a comfortable, effective pessary in place.

Phone: 902 229-8979

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